Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Beginnning EC&I 831

I have just ventured into my last class for my masters.  I am taking EC&I 831 through the University of Regina.  Although I have to admit I don't actually know what the EC&I stands for but it is an open source open learning course and I am quite excited about creating more networks. 

I teach completely online at the Chinook Cyber School.  I teach Cosmetology, Psychology, and Visual Arts.  Whenever I tell people what I teach it makes me laugh a bit since my major and minor in Education were in senior Math and Science.  I used to be a hairstylist before my university days so that is where the Cosmetology has come in.  Before I descided to go into education I was going to be a Psychologist so that is where the second subject came in but Visual Arts....I have nothing. 
I am developing a Visual Art 20 online course this semester for delivery next semester.  I hope to use as muc open source tools as possible as I do not want to have the course all tied down in Moodle.  I developed a Visual Arts 10 online course last year and am implementing it for the second time this semester.  I am not a Visual Art specialist or major in any way so I am quite insecure and intimidated by the content and I worry about being able to develop and deliver a quality program.  But alas, I love a challenge.  It is with this plea that I am hoping to be able to build some contacts through this course that would be able to guide me along. 

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